When the market is hot, it seems like every good home listed for sale gets multiple non-contingent or CASH offers. This means they won’t even consider a contingent offer. But when the market is slow, sellers don’t want to take contingent offers because they are worried that YOUR home won’t sell. Real estate agents may tell you that you need to list and sell your home FIRST because writing offers contingent on your home selling is a “waste of time.” But you are worried that your home will sell too quickly and that you’ll be left homeless. No one wants to do a double-move. And what if prices keep appreciating? You may either get priced out of the market altogether or have to make major compromises just to get into the next home.
So, you keep waiting and hoping to find a seller willing to accept your contingent offer. The problem with that approach is that often the only reason a seller may be willing to do that is if their home is in a bad location, or is in poor condition, or over-priced, or some combination of all three. That means you can only look at the worst homes and that doesn’t sound like a good plan.
There are many creative ways to overcome this challenge and I’ve helped MANY people through this situation over the years. I have recently written a FREE informative guide that explains these options and some of the pros and cons to each.