Should We Clean Up for the Appraiser?

My answer to this question has changed over the years, I used to tell my clients, “Oh, don’t bother. It won’t matter. The appraiser is just going to look at your square footage and your upgrades.” But I’ve changed my mind on this one. I just don’t like to take any chances and usually […]
Impound Accounts

If you are getting a loan to purchase a property, your lender may require an “impound account” on your loan. An impound account is simply a forced-savings plan for you to make sure that there is money available to pay your property taxes and homeowner’s insurance premium when they come due. Your lender collects 1/12th […]
What is a Multiple Counter-Offer?

Most everyone is familiar with the idea that a buyer writes an offer and then the seller can accept the offer as it’s written, reject the offer entirely, or send back a counter-offer if they agree with some terms but want to change something else. But what if the seller receives more than one offer […]